Discover The Future In The Palm of Your Hand!

Who hasn’t dreamed about knowing what the future holds?

Health, Love, Money, professional and family life… any of these areas can become stressful when you don’t know what to expect.

Among the many methods that exist for seeing the future, the one you’re going to discover today is certainly one of the most fascinating, since it exists in each and every one of us. I’m talking about the palms of our hands.

Chiromancy is the art of divination using the lines of the hands, which, like finger or eye prints, are completely unique. No two hands are exactly alike.

Chiromancy uses similarities and differences in the lines of the hands to establish predictions, based on the principles I’ll explain to you here.

If the subject interests you, you can learn more by consulting specialized books, some of which go into great detail about the information hidden in our hands, and how to read it.

Why Chiromacy?

Learning to read people’s hands is both fascinating and amusing. Everyone wants to have their palm read at some time or other, if only to hear something good about themselves, or simply to partake in an age-old ritual. We’re all curious about what our hands might have to say.

Chiromancy can help people discover their true path in life, and know themselves better so they can move forward. By learning the basics, you’ll be able to decipher messages, both in your own hands and – why not? – in those of the people you offer your services to, starting with friends and family who want to share the experience with you. This practice, which many specialists call a real human science, can provide results that are sometimes astonishing… and troubling, since its predictions often turn out to be very precise. See for yourself as you learn about the technique, and then test its divinatory powers. You may be surprised at how much important information you’re able to obtain.

History and Definitions

The word chiromancy is derived from the Greek “kheir” or hand, and “manteia” which means divination. Chiromancy, therefore, refers to the art of divination using the forms of the hands and fingers, and the lines engraved in the palms, to decipher character tendencies in an individual. Chiromancy has been practiced for thousands of years. Probably originating in China or India, it is mentioned in ancient Hindu texts, as well as the Old Testament of the Bible. The earliest known writings date back to the 3rd Century B.C., and were discovered in Asia. Traces have been found in ancient Egypt and Greece, where chiromancy aroused great interest among philosophers like Aristotle and Plato.

Many present-day practitioners consider the art a science, based on clearly defined rules. At the same time, chiromancy has retained its aura of “magic” and remains an adventure into the unknown, which is one of its major attractions.

Some General Principles

A hand can reveal the dominant characteristics of a person, and it can also enable you to see into a person’s past and future. Take these points into consideration, in the following order, when reading someone’s hand:
• Choosing which hand to read (left or right)
• Size
• Form
• Texture and details
• Zones: regions, mounts
• Lines

I’ll talk briefly about each of these elements, but remember, you can find much more information by consulting more detailed texts devoted to the subject of chiromancy.

Which Hand: Right or Left?

Since ancient times chiromancers have considered the left hand as referring to the signs of an individual’s Destiny, predetermined at birth. The right hand indicates possible changes that could happen, depending in the person’s free will.

• The left hand, usually used less than the right, has more lines. It is the passive hand, indicating innate characteristics and values.
• The right hand is active, indicating acquired traits.To put it as simply as possible, we could say the left hand indicates potential, while the right hand indicates how we put that potential to use.

In general, most psychics read the left hand of the people who consult them. To help you get started, I invite you to do the same.

Size and Form: The 4 Hand Types

The first thing you should look at is a hand’s size.
It could be:

• Large: precision, exactitude
• Average: calculating
• Small: big plans, big ideas

The form of the hands is also important.

There are 4 main types, linked to the four major elements:

Air, Earth, Water and Fire.

• Square palm, long fingers: AIR – intellectual. This type of hand is often crisscrossed with many fine lines, and points to an outgoing personality, someone who is emotionally stable and gifted with intellectual curiosity.An AIR hand is often warm and moist to the touch. As in astrology, the element of AIR is linked to communication and intellectual activity. People with hands of this type are more suited to professions that involve writing, teaching, journalism, and/or commerce.

• Square palm, short fingers: EARTH – practical. This type of hand indicates someone who is serious, has good common sense, and enjoys physical activity. An EARTH hand is often cold and dry to the touch. On a professional level, these people prefer manual work which can sometimes be repetitive: mechanics, carpentry, farming, construction, repair work, etc.

• Rectangular palm, long fingers: WATER – sensitive. This type of hand reveals a calm but sensitive personality. A WATER hand is often cold and moist to the touch. These people are more attracted to professions where they can use their intuition, and express their gentle nature: schoolteacher, doctor, dowser, sailor, etc. Their hands are also excellent for playing the piano!

• Rectangular palm, short fingers: FIRE – intuitive. These hands are often crisscrossed with deep lines, and indicate an energetic, creative, and somewhat impulsive personality. A FIRE hand is often warm and dry to the touch. On a professional level, these people tend to opt for creative or athletic work: police and/or fire protection, airline pilot, surgeon, computer specialist, etc.

It’s important to remember that a hand never completely conforms to any of these shapes. Choose the type that most resembles the hand you’re reading, then weigh your conclusions in light of other elements that may have an influence. Holding a person’s hand in your own makes it easier to determine their dominant type.

Texture and Details

Texture is also important, and can tell you a lot about someone’s personality. Here’s what to look for (to get a clearer picture of the person you’re “reading” combine these details with what you were able to discern in the previous section, when you were examining the hand’s form):

• Knobby fingers: polemic, perspicacious, clear-headed.

• Hard hands: avarice, interest in money, tenacity.

• Soft hands: sensitive, sensual, impulsive, creative, hedonistic, apathetic.

• Fingers curving outward: grace, sympathy, sociability, adaptable, curious, sometimes extravagant.

• Conical hands with fine skin and rounded fingertips: amenable, gentle, sentimental, romantic, impulsive, creative, sensitive and extroverted.

• Small, flat and tough hands: mental instability, low energy and drive, limited intelligence.

• Hands with “holes”: unfavorable exterior circumstances, obstacles, fear of failure, serious loss.

• Raw, roughly formed fingers: little interest in spiritual or mental matters, possessive, physically strong.

• Long, wide palms, squared fingertips: orderly, structured, precise, organized, good planner.

• Widespread fingers: enterprising, innovative, self-confident, persevering, extroverted and sometimes impulsive.

• Yellowish skin, bony joints: logical, theoretical, introverted, individualistic and rational.

• Long hands with pointed fingers: imaginative, sensitive, idealistic, introverted and spiritual.

You should also take the following factors into account:

Hands become hardened and more rigid with age, as do our character. As time passes, people tend to become more serious and logical, and less philosophical and romantic.

• During a long illness or convalescence the hands become more mobile, as the patient is more nervous, easily influenced, and given to fantasy.

• People with very white hands may be gentle, amiable and diplomatic, but they can also be hypocritical.• People with hardened hands are more loyal and reliable, sincere and steadfast, and less sentimental.

• Smooth, transparent hands indicate indiscretion, falsehood, and a tendency to gossip. To summarize, the model of a “good hand” should be firm but not hard, supple but not too soft.

Various texts on chiromancy provide detailed analyses of each separate finger, so check them out if you’re interested, and you can learn a lot more.

Zones and Mounts

At the heart of palmistry is the study of the different zones of the hand, and analysis of the lines. Starting with the principle that human beings are composed of 3 main parts – body, mind and soul – the hand is divided into 3 zones:

• Intellectual or mental zone: formed by the fingers (except the thumb).

• Emotional zone: formed by the mounts on the palm.

• Instinctive zone: formed by the lines of the palm.

Each of these 3 zones can, in turn, be divided into 3 regions:

• In the intellectual zone:

upper region: represented by the phalanges just below the nails

middle region: represented by the middle phalanges

lower region: represented by the lower phalanges, closest to the palm.

• In the emotional zone:
Ideal region: represented by the mounts at the base of each finger (except the thumb).

Emotional region: represented by the middle section of the palm, between the mounts of the fingers and a horizontal line running from the base of the thumb upwards.

Instinctive region: represented by the base of the palm, starting at the line mentioned above.

• In the instinctive zone:

Cerebral region: represented by the Head-Line, starting between the thumb and index finger, and extending towards the flat part of the hand.

Sentimental region: represented by the Heart-Line, situated just below the mounts.

Instinctive region: represented by the Life-Line next to the Mount of Venus.

Mounts and Lines

Here’s an illustration of the mounts of the hand (I’ll talk about the lines a little later on):

1 – Mount of Venus

2 - Mount of Jupiter

3 - Mount of Saturn

4 - Mount of the Sun

5 - Mount of Mercury

6 - Mount of Mars

7 - Mount of the Moon

8 – Plain of Mars

Analysing the 7 mounts of the hand allows you to determine various personality traits. Each mount is named after a planet, which also gives it its meaning. In astrology it’s generally agreed that the planets influence our Destiny, and the same holds true for the mounts of the hand.

• 1 – Mount of Venus: this zone is named after the goddess of Love, and occupies about a third of the palm. It points to the quality of a person’s vital forces, and their ability to experience love.

A wide, well-formed, fleshy mount denotes a strong personality, heightened sexuality, great enthusiasm, and a highly developed artistic sense.
A flat, underdeveloped mount indicates a sad nature, lack of vitality, and fragile health.

• 2 – Mount of Jupiter: associated with the Roman god Jupiter, and situated at the base of the index finger, this mount determines a person’s ambitions, authority and sociability.

When very pronounced, it can denote a degree of overbearing pride, or a willingness to exploit others.
When well-proportioned, it indicates balance, confidence, and an ability to communicate.
When underdeveloped, it may represent self-effacement, lack of ambition, and an inability to communicate.

• 3 – Mount of Saturn: situated at the base of the third finger, it governs a person’s wisdom, their ability to concentrate, and how capable they are of assuming responsibilities.

Well-proportioned, it points to a balanced and sociable individual.
When underdeveloped it denotes a weak, easily influenced personality.
When very pronounced it refers to someone who is bold and unaffected by fear or pessimism.

• 4 – Mount of the Sun: situated at the base of the ring finger, it’s also called the Mount of Apollo, and determines a person’s artistic sense and power of imagination.

When the Mount is not pronounced, the person may know how to take advantage of the good things life has to offer, but still feels restricted.
When well-pronounced, the person has some kind of artistic gift, and is also very intelligent.
When overly pronounced, it indicates someone who places more importance on appearance than on reality.

• 5 – Mount of Mercury: the god of thieves (among other things), it’s situated at the base of the little finger, and indicates a person’s ability to communicate.

A well pronounced Mount of Mercury means you’re very clear-headed.
When overdeveloped, it denotes someone who may engage in trickery and dishonesty, especially if they’re hyperactive.
An underdeveloped Mount of Mercury points to an absence of reflection and self-confidence.

• 6 – Mount of Mars: associated with the god of war, situated in the middle of the heel of the palm, it expresses a person’s determination and physical courage. Note that it is generally doubled by a second Mount of Mars just above the Mount of Venus.

A well pronounced Mount of Mars means you have a lot of determination and a cool head.
If your Mount of Mars is overdeveloped, you can be impulsive and potentially violent.

• 7 – Mount of the Moon: situated opposite the thumb, below the primary Mount of Mars, it represents the subconscious, and reveals our instincts and feelings.

When well developed, this Mount indicates an ideal person, someone with imagination, intuition and emotion.
When underdeveloped, it’s a sign the person is too realistic, and leaves no room for fantasy in their life.

• 8 – Plain of Mars: located in the centre of the palm, it’s a measure of physical resistance, depending on how firm it is.

Now that you can situate and interpret the Mounts of the hand, let’s look at the lines.

Lines of the Hands

A “good line” is one that’s clearly defined, as if it had been drawn with a pen. It doesn’t matter if it’s straight or curved, or has crosses, islands and breaks in it, or not. Hand lines evolve and move throughout a person’s lifetime. Some become longer, some change in shape, and some disappear completely. The lines can indicate the past, present or future, and define the overall trends and tendencies each person has.
Lines that aren’t smooth and clearly defined mean problems and/or obstacles. Just remember that difficulties can be positive, as long as they help you evolve, since overcoming obstacles is what allows you to build a strong character.
In general:
• fine lines indicate vivacity and/or irritability
• wide lines indicate inertia and/or slowness
• deep lines indicate power and tension
• superficial lines indicate relaxation and/or inertia.

Lines are classed into two categories:
Principal and Secondary.

I’ll be talking mostly about the five principal lines:
• Life-Line: generally considered the most important.

Symbolizes life and the serious events that mark its passage. Starts between the thumb and index finger, and ends at the base of the Mount of Venus.
A long, well-defined life-line is a sign of balance and stability. If it’s short it points to to an angry, impatient personality.

This line can provide you with indications about your physical and spiritual Destiny your whole life long. Your life-line may be broken in two, or even into many parts, and these interruptions indicate periods when you should be very careful, especially about your health after reaching a certain age.

If your life-line is long and ends below your thumb, you should remain in good health, and have the vitality and energy you need to overcome your problems.
If your life-line is short, one would have to see the other lines in your hand to provide an accurate interpretation.

Head Line

This line reveals your mental capacities. It starts in the same area as the life-line, between the thumb and index finger, and crosses the palm towards the Mount of the Moon.
It indicates a person’s intellectual and professional aptitudes, as well as their ability to concentrate.
When the line is clear and well-defined, the person has good judgment, and a full, balanced life.
It it isn’t clearly defined, the person may be confused and live in a cloud.
A straight head-line indicates a practical person with an aptitude for communication. If the line is curved towards the Mount of the Moon, it indicates an imaginative, creative spirit that may sometimes have trouble dealing with reality.If the head-line is long but ends in a fork, it indicates a lively intelligence, and an active, balanced temperament. If it’s short, it points to nonchalance and apathy, laziness and a simple mind.When broken, the head-line can point to problems and/or difficult periods in your profession or organization.

Heart Line

This line crosses the upper part of the palm, starting at the Mount of Mercury under your little finger, and passing under the Mounts of Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun.It reflects a person’s emotional state and the quality of their love-life, indicating how deeply they feel, how faithful they are, whether a break-up is likely, etc.If you heart-line is long and clearly defined, you should enjoy lasting Love, since it’s a sign of a generous nature, and balance between heart and reason.If the heart-line is short and straight, it may indicate an egotistical person who suppresses their emotions and doesn’t feel much in their heart.If your heart-line is crisscrossed with many smaller lines, you’re a very sensitive and sensual person. You should experience many love affairs in your life, all of which will be passionate, if not always easy.If your heart-line is cut in two, a difficult period may be in store for you, either physically or emotionally.If the line continues, but then splits at some point along the way, you should be more practical about your love-life and the affection you give to people.If it descends towards the Head-Line it indicates a conflict between reason and emotion.

Line Of Destiny

Starting above the wrist and rising up to the Mount of Saturn, below the middle finger.This line reveals a person’s ambition and desire for success. It can tell you a lot about your Destiny, your vitality, and your longevity.When the Line-of-Destiny is straight and clearly defined, the person is stable and leads a well-ordered life.If the line is long, goals are easily attained thanks to outside help.If the line is short, you should be careful to hold on to what you have, since it indicates deception and betrayal among people you know.If the Line-of-Destiny is forked at the end, you should be successful in your career or profession, be rewarded, and enjoy at least some notoriety.If the line isn’t there at all, you will only succeed on your own merit, using the means available to you.If the Line-of-Destiny is broken in a number of places, you may have to fight hard to succeed, and you’ll have to know how to get yourself back on your feet after each setback.If the line touches the Mount of Saturn, it may mean the end of active life. If it points to the Mount of the Sun, it’s a sign of artistic talent. If it points to the Mount of Jupiter, it means the person is well organized and has the temperament of a leader

Luck Line

Starting above the wrist and rising up to the Mount of the Sun (below the ring finger).This line reveals personal accomplishments, artistic aptitudes and a sense of esthetics.When the line is long the person has a very good chance of success in a field linked to the arts and communication. Fame is not out of the question.When the line is broken, it points to a difficult period when you may need to ask yourself some questions, and start provoking your own Luck.Islands or needles on your Luck-Line point to deception, and the betrayal of someone close to you, especially in your love-life.If it’s forked, you could have an opportunity to change direction or profession. The change will be beneficial in a majority of cases.If the line is absent, you shouldn’t count too much on the factor of Luck to succeed in life. Instead, rely on the work you do, and on your perseverance.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Many people go through life disappointed and dejected because they have lost faith in their ability to realize their dreams. Their excuses are often due to a lack of money, fear of ridicule or failure, and feelings of being tied to the present situation with no way out. I imagine that all of us have experienced these feelings at one time or another. While for some of us, this negative feeling is only temporary, for others, it may be hard to accept that our dreams are actually within our reach.

I think we all have the ability to achieve our dreams, but we may just need to adjust how we look at them. In other words, we may need to look at them from a different perspective. That starts by brainstorming all of the various ways our dreams could be accomplished, no matter how silly or crazy these solutions may seem. By writing down and considering every single idea that crosses you, even in  your dreams, you actually open your mind to all of the possibilities and that brings them that much closer to reality.

One easy thing is that, after considering the possibilities you come up with, pick a solution you can do right now, and then DO it. If you want to be a professional chef, enroll in cooking or classes on running a restaurant. This will give you a chance to find out if it is really what you want. Taking steps toward achieving your dream, may take you in slightly different directions that are even more attractive to you. Serendipity happens, and it happens more often when we are actively engaged in achieving something important to us.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

I am sad to say there is a lot of power in those words. I encourage you to let go of old excuses and start thinking about ways to realize what you desire. Think about steps that could help you get there, and take those steps. And then just imagine how wonderful you will feel once you begin your journey!